马克思主义研究网 为您搜到的结果 约有20320项符合 的查询结果, 如下是第 1-10 项(搜索用时0.497秒)
The party nature of a Marxist party determines its vitality. Throughout the development of Marxist political parties, a party with a strong party character will promote the development of social productivity, the well-being of the masses, and the progress of social history. Founded in accordance with the Marxist-Leninist principles of party const......
Pinyue Lu
School of Marxism, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Shanghai, China
The novel coronavirus is the common enemy of all humankind, and the Chinese government and people, as the first victims of the epidemic, have contributed to the global war against it by making available all the information and experience available ......

Kendra Briken
This article discusses new technologies in regard to their potential to capture workers¡¯ situated knowledge. Machines are said to substitute but also to contribute to the labour process in collaboration with human skill sets. ¡®Industry 4.0¡¯ became the policy-wide shorthand to describe the new quality......
Paul Paolucci
This is the second installment continues my investigation of Marx¡¯s research practice. I previously examined Marx¡¯s method of successive abstractions in his analysis of modes of production. This article applies this method to a historical-materialist analysis of religion¡¯s development across levels ......

Lucy Bell 
Scholars across the humanities and social sciences have long sought to theorize waste, and more particularly the relationship between humans ¨C their history, society, culture, art and thought ¨C and their discards. My contention, though, is that these theories, since Mary Douglas¡¯s Purity and Danger (1966) and Thomp......
Michal Givoni
As despair is increasingly seeping into leftist politics in many parts of the world, its long-held image as a hindrance to political activism still prevents the thriving literature on the politics of feeling from adequately theorizing this collective posture. This article seeks to probe the public manifestations of left-win......
Bernardo Bianchi
In this article, I investigate a hypothesis concerning the supposed influence of Spinoza on Marx¡¯s works. Setting out from a comment made by Althusser ¨C ¡®[Spinoza] is the only direct ancestor of Marx¡¯ ¨C I try to demonstrate that even though the relationship between Spinoza and Marx has limited su......

Iain Ferguson
Mental health in the UK and elsewhere is in crisis. It is a crisis with many different faces. At the time of writing one of the most prominent of these is the extremely high level of emotional distress affecting children and young people. In 2018 a large-scale survey by the Children’s Society found that a quarter of girls and ne......
Helma Lutz
Over the last two decades many studies have focused on female migrants¡¯ transnational care practices, while those of stay-behind fathers have hardly been investigated. This chapter deals with masculinity, childcare and fatherhood of stay-behind male partners of female migrants from former socialist countries in Europe. ......
Raju J Das
Humankind continues to face the two problems that have existed since the degeneration of the 1917 October Revolution that began in the mid-1920s. While it is experiencing enormous suffering caused by capitalism, there is also a crisis of anti-capitalist leadership. These two problems now cohabit with growing radicalization amo......
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