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The¡°philanthropists¡±who established foundations in the US are not as selfless as ordinary people think. For mega capitalists, foundations can not only enjoy the benefits of tax relief and wealth transfer, but also obtain enormous capital profits through capital operation in foundations. Meanwhile, the unity of the foundation and the gov......
The mode of state governance under the leadership of the CPC, formed under China¡¯s special national conditions, determines that Party conferences play a key role in state governance. All the theories and practical activities in governing the country after the birth of the CPC are closely related to its conferences; the important conference......

The 21st century is a new era of human civilization which surpasses the Western-style¡°clash of civilizations¡±towards diverse civilizations and symbiosis to launch the exploration of a new way of civilization and new possible development of human civilization. China advocates the construction of a community of human destiny, leading the......

Mohammad Ferdosi
In the postwar period, a set of transient historical conditions gave rise to many of the policies that came to define modern labour legislation, constituting the crowning achievement of working class economic and political power in Europe and North America. However, the conflicting claims of capital and labour to th......
John O¡¯Brennan
The vote by the electorate of the United Kingdom to leave the European Union in 2016 was one in which the impact of Brexit on the island of Ireland and on UK-Irish relations hardly figured. Within months, however, the ¡°Irish border problem¡± was centre stage. The deterioration in UK-Irish relations in ......

Tamara J. Lynn, L. Susan Williams
This paper demonstrates how print media sources frame the Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street in ways that, consciously or not, support the prevailing status quo ¨C social, economic, and political elites. The study employs critical discourse analysis (CDA) as the analytic framework, investigating how p......
Diego Pautassoa, Marcelo Fernandesb and Gaio Doriac
aMilitary College of Porto Alegre, Porto Alegre, Brazil; 
bDepartment of Economics, Rural Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; 
cSchool of Marxism Studies, Renmin University of China, Beijing, China
In the works of Marx and Engels, the national question does......

Zhun Xu
A key feature of the contemporary global economy is the unevenness of food production and trade. The problem of food dependency and the system¡¯s lack of capacity to accommodate global demand continue to haunt the global food trade and capitalism in general. This paper shows that the global food trade emerged as a soluti......

Cassian Sparkes-Vian
The existence of propaganda is inexorably bound to the nature of communication and communications technology. Mass communication by citizens in the digital age has been heralded as a means to counter elite propaganda; however, it also provides a forum for misinformation, aggression and hostility. The extremist group......

Annette Th0‹2rnquist
This article discusses recent developments in public sector labour relations in Sweden from a historical, gender and power relations perspective. The main question is whether these trends challenge the established Swedish industrial relations system. Our point of departure ¨C yet chronologically also the p......
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