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David Schwartzman & Salvatore Engel-Di Mauro
Kallis¡¯ discussion of degrowth in a transition to socialism is misleading and substantially detached from the current context, especially with recurring cataclysms due to climate change and the requirements to implement a programme to prevent even worse outcomes while there is a narro......

Sara Kazmi
This paper explores how Ghadar¡¯s legacy is interpreted by the Punjabi literary movement in Punjab, Pakistan. Putting Ghadar¡¯s poetry into conversation with the work of these contemporary activists sheds light on unexplored facets of both. It unveils how these writers and thespians invoke Ghadar to subvert the na......

Emma L. Briant
This article presents qualitative research examining adaptation to global asymmetric threats and a modern media environment of US Government propaganda systems by planners following 9-11, which proceeded largely unhindered by public debate. It draws on interviews with US elite sources including foreign policy, defense a......

Paul Paolucci
The charge that Marx's work leaves sociologists few tools with which to understand the phenomena of race and racism has been a common one. Against such claims, this essay attempts to mobilize several analytical devices in Marx's work that help us grasp race and racism as sociological realities. These include an understan......

Guy Redden
Recent work has acknowledged the variegated forms neoliberalism takes in different contexts while recognizing the elements that connect them. Neoliberalization has proven a flexible, adaptive and renewable pattern of reform. At the same time, there is increasing evidence for Harvey¡¯s contention that its principal socio......

Colin Coulter, Francisco Arqueros-Fern¨¢ndez, Angela Nagle
During the Eurozone crisis, Ireland would come to be regarded widely as a ¡®poster child¡¯ for the remedial powers of the austerity agenda and as a ¡®role model¡¯ for the other heavily indebted states. In this article, we offer a critical reading of t......
El Maarouf Moulay Driss & Taieb Belghazi
This paper studies the role of emotions in creating spectacular revolt situations. We underline the travelling competence of sentiments and their power in crafting trans-local moments of embodied resistance. In contemporary Moroccan society, the adaptation of the Bouazizian style of protest has be......
Frances Webber
The indictment presented to the Permanent Peoples¡¯ Tribunal London Hearing in November 2018 on violations of the human rights of migrant and refugee peoples. It concentrates on the ways in which a ¡®hostile environment¡¯ has been created in the UK removing rights, enshrined in EU and international laws......

Colin Coulter
The signing of the Good Friday Agreement was meant to signal an era of economic prosperity for those working-class communities that suffered most during the Troubles. Two decades on, this much vaunted ¡°peace dividend¡± has yet to materialise. A combination of persistent economic stagnation and the onset of auste......

Kendra Strauss, Feng Xu
Demographic aging can alter physical and social infrastructures in cities, and reshape the broader dynamic processes that theories of urbanization seek to describe and analyze. We argue that both urban and eldercare policy often render paid reproductive labor and the workers who do it invisible. They are invisibl......
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