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Mario V¨¢zquez Maguirre, Luis Portales, Isabelle Vel¨¢squez Bellido
The aim of this article is to explore the mechanisms by which indigenous social enterprises contribute to a rural community¡¯s sustainable development and improves the quality of life of its inhabitants. The work follows a qualitative methodology and us......

Eileen Appelbaum
This paper argues that an important mechanism linking increasing rents and the rising earnings¡¯ inequality among workers with similar skills is the increase in domestic outsourcing and the growth of networked forms of production. This has multiplied contractual relationships and legal claims to profit and rents t......

    Since the 18th CPC National Congress, Xi Jin-ping repeatedly stressed the importance of realizing China as a unified multinational country and cultivating the awareness of the Chinese community, which denotes a clear direction for ethnic work in new ages. To properly handle ethnic issues in achieving ¡°Two Centenary Goals¡± and to pr......

Robert G. Wallace
A busy year for Russian revolutionary Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, 1917 also marked the publication of his study of American agriculture. The report reads as more than a historical curiosity, offering insights, however era-bounded, on a variety of topics of substantive and epistemological interest today. Lenin writes of t......

Sheila Rowbotham
In Paris during May 1968, students protesting against their conditions were joined by young workers.  Over the course of the year the questioning spread internationally. Apparently spontaneously, women in this ‘new left’ were beginning to envision a democratic revolution that redefined the scope of politics. In Se......

J0‹2rg Nowak
This essay explores some aspects of the debate led by Louis Althusser and Etienne Balibar on the strategy of the French Communist Party (PCF) in the 1970s. They saw the Euro-communist turn of the party as a strategy that accepted the influence of social democrats without addressing the crucial question of mass part......

The year of 2016 witnessed the expansion and deepening of researches on Mao Zedong,which exhibited new trends and features.Heated themes for 2016 include criticism on historical nihilism, Mao Zedong and the Long March, his thoughts of consultative democracy and their application, ¡°On the Ten Major Relationships¡±, Mao and inner-party po......
Jamie Doucette, Bae-Gyoon Park
This special issue highlights an exciting range of contemporary, interdisciplinary research into spatial forms, political economic processes, and planning policies that have animated East Asian urbanization. To help situate this research, this introductory article argues that the urban as form, process,......

Daniel Bin
Over the last two decades, the notion of primitive accumulation has been reemerging within studies of historical capitalism. Nonetheless, most research on contemporary dispossessions has related them to capitalist accumulation proper without sufficient theoretical care, in a way that virtually collapses the concepts of disp......

Lopamudra Banerjee
Risk of disaster exposure is often associated with prior conditions of economic deprivation, and it is held that risk would be less for an asset-rich household than an asset-poor one. Observational data may, however, contradict this expected pattern. The contradiction is resolved when we examine risk distribution thro......
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