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Guido Starosta, Alejandro Fitzsimons
This article critically examines the received wisdom on the value of labor power that posits the workers¡¯ material reproduction and the class struggle as two independent factors that determine the bundle of wage-goods consumed by the working class. It shows that this reading has no solid textu......

AI is the product of highly-developed productivity in an information industrial age. AI and its application generated the rise and development of intelligent economy. Intelligent economy is the integral unification of intelligent industry, enterprise and labor while the carrier of intelligent economy refers to intelligent industry and enterprise......

Saladdin Ahmed
Iraqi Kurds have been involved in a liberation movement since the very beginning of the establishment of the Iraqi state by European colonizers. With the proliferation of communism in the 1960s and 1970s among liberation movements in the third world, the Kurdish liberation movement also adopted popular Marxist, Leninist a......

Laam Hae
This paper examines how South Korean policy field in the 1990s adopted Western style place-marketing strategies, and put them into practice as cultural revitalization programs of different Korean cities. The emergence of place marketing in Korea as a new paradigm for local growth stems from Korea¡¯s transition from a......

Andreas Malm
It doesn’t take much imagination to associate climate change with revolution. If the planetary order upon which all societies are built starts breaking down, how can they possibly remain stable? Various more or less horrifying scenarios of upheaval have long been extrapolated from soaring temperatures. In his novel The......

Yigal Godler
The article seeks to explain why denials of reality are tolerated and go largely unchallenged in communication research. It proposes that the acceptance of anti-realist views is related to communication theorists¡¯ general hostility toward radical political economic critiques of media institutions and coverage. Unw......

Serguei Alex Oushakine
The introduction offers the notion of Sotzromantizm (socialist romanticism) as a way of framing critical engagements with the actually existing socialism of the 1950s¨C1980s. Large-scale historicizing projects relied on the romantic re-appropriation of space to generate versions of identity, social communities,......

Martijn Konings
The motivating force, ethical appeal, and emotional purchase of the neoliberal image of the market have all too often eluded progressive critics. To the extent that they have recognized the affective aspects of neoliberal politics, they have tended to focus on its alliances with neoconservative philosophies and to vi......

Alexander Gallas
Althusser and Poulantzas explored the nature of the capitalist state against the backdrop of a joint problematic, which concerned the reproduction of class domination. They established a variant of Marxism that provided the theoretical groundwork for political analysis and strategic reflection, which can be called con......
  For the Scientific Socialism Forum, CASS, Beijing, November 1, 2013  Wadi'h Halabi,   Economics Commission, Communist Party USA and   Center for Marxist Education, Massachusetts, USA  Eight Tasks of Scientific Socialism Today  As the general crisis of capitalism continues to unfold, the work of scientific socialism has never been more......
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