马克思主义研究网 为您搜到的结果 约有20320项符合 的查询结果, 如下是第 1-10 项(搜索用时0.25秒)
     The recruitment of death squads is part of a well established US military-intelligence agenda. There is a long and gruesome US history of covert funding and support of terror brigades and targeted assassinations going back to the Vietnam war.    As government forces continue to confront the self-proclaimed “Free Syrian Army” (FSA), the......
https://www.cnki.net/?fl=3033128707 2023年12月22日10时49分00秒

Bruce Pietrykowski
Labor and community activists have organized around raising wages for low-wage workers, notably through the ¡°Fight for 15¡± campaign among fast food workers. This study uses skills data together with manager survey data to estimate occupational wages. Quantile regression was used to estimate a skills-based wa......

     To develop Marxism in the 21st century is the requirement of constructing socialism with Chinese characteristics,an objective demand for its localization, modernization and popularization,a demonstration of the intrinsic characteristics of Marxism,and a significant indicator of measuring our theoretical development.The tremendous achievemen......
     Socialism is constantly developing and characterized by periodical features.We should recognize it from the perspective of historical materialism. It is a truth that all things develop through quantitative changes to qualitative ones.The periodical features of development could be illustrated through partial qualitative changes while fundame......

Yan'an period was the important historical period in which the political life became normalized within the Communist Party of China(CPC).During this period, theories of party building further matured, laws and regulations were improved and the political life within the party was gradually freed from the wrong leftist tendencies. The experien......

   Take scientific socialism as the theoretical source and analyze four doctrines about China's roads and futures from the perspective of the relationship between source and course and we can find that there are neither sources nor courses of ¡°capitalism with Chinese characteristics¡± and ¡°state capitalism¡±theory. The course o......
    Chinese Communist Party’s mass line is both aworldview and methodology.The report of 18th Congress of CPC deploys “for people, pragmatic, honest” as the main  content of “the Party’s mass line educational practice,”because of which strongly reflects and responds to the era of“outstanding issues,” highlights the Party’s mass line ......
  In the historicalmaterialism perspective, knowledge and understanding of the essence of socialism, is a gradually searching increasingly deepeninghistorical process in the specific detailed social and historical conditions. If the essence of socialism is the common wealth, so as to thephenomenon that gap between the rich and the poor has been w......
  As long as imperialist economic form and itseconomic base still exist, the scientific meaning of the word monopoly in Chinese should adapt to it,cannot be arbitrarilychanged.At present, the state-owned enterprises are called monopoly enterprises in our country's economic opinions,which mainly is in relation with some people aping blindly the we......
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