马克思主义研究网 为您搜到的结果 约有20320项符合 的查询结果, 如下是第 1-10 项(搜索用时0.555秒)

  Under complex situation we should grasp the main direction of history.The great logic that Comrade Xi Jinping has emphasized for several times is£¬in essence£¬the objective law of historical development and the scientific and theoretical logic that is reflected in human subjectivity.To correctly grasp the great historical logic o......

Nikil Saval
The posthumous publication of an autobiography by Stuart Hall¡ªimpassioned political activist and analyst, prime mover of Cultural Studies¡ªholds the possibility of lifting a veil from one of the most reticent and self-effacing intellectuals of the post-war period. It is an irony, if not an unexpected one, that one of......

Although the Communist Party of China(CPC) believes that peace and development are the epochal characteristics of the contemporary world,it does not mean that it has ruled out the persistent danger of war. Countless facts also demonstrate that the world socialist movement has not disappeared but continues to develop today.CPC is therefore both a......

Cheng Enfua and Xie Chang¡¯anb
a Research Center of Economic and Social Development, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, China;
b Center for Economics of the Shanghai School, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Shanghai, China
In ¡°At the ¡®End of History¡¯ Still Stands Democracy,¡± Franc......

Paul Cooney
In recent decades there has been a tendency throughout Latin America of the expansion of activities associated with the primary sector, such as mining, oil, cattle and soy, namely reprimarization. This tendency reflects the growth of the commodities markets and China in recent years. This paper examines the implications for ......

Xuan Chuanshua and Tan Yangfangb
aOverseas Socialism Research Center, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, Shanghai, China; 
bBureau of Scientific Research Management, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, China
During the campaigning for the 2016 US Presidential election, the self-proclaimed socialist Bernie Sanders gained mom......
 The¡°Three Confidence¡± is a positive mindset, uncompromising political belief andrational wisdom on reform. In terms of its characteristics, it is not only thecombination of the country¡¯s confidence, the nation¡¯s confidence, and theParty¡¯s confidence, but also the that of historical consciousness, evaluationof soci......
State-owned cultural enterprises play several roles in contemporary economic and social development.They play a basic role in promoting culture industry to become state pillar industry£¬a leading role in innovating development mode of culture industry,a key role in promoting scientific and technological progress of culture industry£¬a d......

A theory of macroeconomic adjustment and control of socialism with Chinese characteristics is necessary for building the political economy of socialism with Chinese characteristics. As the pillars of mainstream macroeconomics and of the capitalist,even imperialist ideology in the West today, the theory of simple (equilibrium) determination of na......

Andrew Friedman
This essay examines US empire in World War 2 and showcases how the American war was based on the extraction of colonial labour. It focuses on builders laying infrastructure and supply lines for the Pentagon in the colonial world ¨C in the Navy Seabees, Air Transport Command and Army Corps of Engineers ¨C to retrieve ......
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