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[提要]<正> 加拉罕,亚美尼亚人,本姓加拉罕尼扬,全名列夫•米哈伊洛维奇•加拉罕。1889年2月2日生于第比利斯。父亲米哈伊尔•加拉罕尼扬是高加索的著名律师,1905年携家迁居哈尔滨,以后又去海参崴。加拉罕受过 ...

[提要]本书的中心是分析胡适在晚清和民国以来的新旧交替与中西激荡中,所产生的痛苦挣扎和无所适从的疏离感。 虽以胡适为中心,却对傅斯年、徐志摩、丁玲等一批现代知识分子面对现实政治那种进退失据、辞受两难的处境,对传统文化那种爱之痛苦、破之更痛苦的复杂心理,对国家与社会关系的深刻......

The story of SIR ROBERT HART by Stanley Bell

HART of LISBURNNorthern Ireland

Lisburn Historical Press1985

All rights reserved Published by Lisburn Historical Press © Stanley Bell 1985 2, Legacurry Road, Ravarnette,Lisburn BT 27 5 LZ. Northern Ireland. ISBN 0. 948391. 00. 6 

Typesetting byThe Educational P......
In the period of the Republic of China, Zhu Xi's political thoughts were studied deeply from multiple levels. The research on Zhu Xi's political thoughts in the Period of the Republic of China was an important part of the study of Zhuism. Especially, it has some academic value for comprehensive understanding of Zhu Xi's thoughts and his historical ......
This paper stated from the question of how Nationalism Government dealt with traitors' property, and combed the legal limit of traitors' property, process and barriers and other issues. It was expected to enrich cognitive about the overall state that Nationalism Government punished traitors....
During the Republic of China some institutions and people in social sciences circles made several investigations of Chinese industries in that period of time. Judged by the contemporary level of research the results from those investigations, such as Investigational Report on Chinese Industries by Liu Dajun, and Statistics of Factories in North Chi......

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