人口与劳动经济网 为您搜到的结果 约有3654项符合 的查询结果, 如下是第 1-10 项(搜索用时0.09秒)
The proliferation of biosocial surveys has increased the importance of weighing the costs and benefits of adding biomarker collection to population-based surveys. A crucial question is whether biomarkers offer incremental value beyond self-reported measures, which are easier to collect and impose less respondent burden. We use longitudinal data fro......
        按照历史经验,劳动力市场制度在刘易斯拐点到来之前都不太起作用。刘易斯拐点很可能会在2013年就真正到来,所以这个制度建立越来越急迫。        劳动力市场制度的时间窗口       民工荒不能保证农民工收入提高。根据市场信息不对称理论,由于雇主和雇员间信息地......
[Abstract] What we know about transitions in coresidence of elders in China is based on panel data involving survivors. This article examines the tendency to and determinants of shifts in coresidence with adult children among the very old, comparing survivors of an intersurvey period with those who died (decedents). Data come from the Chinese Longi......
Any improvement in the forecast accuracy of life expectancy would be beneficial for policy decision regarding the allocation of current and future resources. In this paper, I revisit some methods for forecasting age-specific life expectancies. This paper proposes a model averaging approach to produce accurate point forecasts of age-specific life ex......
[Abstract]  The relative importance of cohorts' early-life conditions, compared to later period conditions, on adult and old-age mortality is not known. This article studies how cohort-level mortality depends on shocks in cohorts' early- and later-life (period) conditions. I use cohorts' own mortality as a proxy for the early-life conditions, ......
Abstract:   Usually seen as a forerunner in the development of new trends in family-demographic behavior, Sweden has recently experienced a reversal in marriage trends, from a steady decline in marriage rate between the 1960s and 1990s, to a steady increase beginning in 1998. An event-history analysis of women's first marriages in the per......
摘要: 单亲家庭是中国当代的重要家庭形式。1982年以来单亲家庭在家庭总数中所占比例呈下降趋势。这主要是因为政策性限制所造成的夫妇两地分居现象减少。在单亲家庭内部,亲代分居两地所形成的单亲家庭始终占多数,丧偶居第二,离婚居第三,未婚最小。2000年与1982年相比,离婚所形成的单亲家庭增加明显。中国当代的单亲家庭绝大多数是女性单亲家庭。这是因为亲代一方缺位是经济性和户......
课题类型:社科基金一般项目(2004年)主持人:王跃生内容提要        研究以往制度对人口的作用和作用方式,对人口发展中制度作用的缺陷加以分析,以便为未来采用新的制度安排提供借鉴。对特定制度、政策环境中人口的发展状态有基本的把握。审视过去,要对历史上,特别是近代以来制度变迁与人口行为的关系弄清楚。面向未来,就是要探寻新的......
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