Aims and Scope
In recent years, the main force for research into modern Chinese history has been Chinese scholars, who up until this point have not had a Western outlet for their scholarship. The Institute of Modern History of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences seeks to re-dress this with its international publication, the Journal of Modern Chinese History: a new platform for Chinese and foreign scholars to exchange ideas directly.
Fully refereed and published twice a year, the journal focuses on the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. It aims to promote research on modern Chinese history by encouraging discussion of political, economic, ideological, cultural and military history. The journal also encourages discussion on the history of society, foreign affairs, and gender as well as regional research and historiography.
The Journal of Modern Chinese History welcomes all original research including research articles, review articles and research notes, especially those reflecting recent developments in scholarship.
Editorial Board
Bu Ping, Institute of Modern History, CASS, Beijing
Bae Kyounghan, Silla University, Pusan
Marianne Bastid- Bruguière,Institut de France, Paris
Chen Yung-fa, Academia Sinica, Taipei
Dong Zhikai, Institute of Economics, CASS, Beijing
Akira Iriye, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA
Jiang Tao, Institute of Modern History, CASS, Beijing
Kishimoto Mio, Ochanomizu University, Tokyo
Mechthild Leutner, Free University, Berlin
Li Jie, Party Literature Research Centre, CCCPC, Beijing
Ma Min, Central China Normal University, Wuhan
Vladimir S. Myasnikov, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
Niu Dayong, Peking University, Beijing
Sang Bing, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou
Hans van de Ven, University of Cambridge, UK
Wang Chaoguang, Institute of Modern History, CASS, Beijing
Wang Jianlang, Institute of Modern History, CASS, Beijing
Wu Jingping, Fudan University, Shanghai
Xu Xiuli, Institute of Modern History, CASS, Beijing
Yang Yang, Bureau of International Cooperation, CASS, Beijing
Yu Heping, Institute of Modern History, CASS, Beijing
Zhang Baijia, Party History Research Centre, CCCPC, Beijing
Zheng Shiqu, Beijing Normal University, Beijing