人口与劳动经济网 为您搜到的结果 约有3654项符合 的查询结果, 如下是第 1-10 项(搜索用时0.123秒)
 作  者:蔡昉出版时间:2014年01月 (1版1次)I S B N :9787516138489所属丛书:理解中国丛书内容简介:本书简要而深刻地展示了中国三十年改革开放的经济发展历程,指明发展是硬道理,改革是中国经济发展的根本动力,具体分析了中国经济发展的转折点,详析了中国发展的若干要素,如人口红利、制度红利等,对于中国经济建设成就给与了实事求是的评价,对于未来的发展具有......
Abstract: From the perspective of demographic change and economic growth respectively,this paper discusses the changes of trends in labor supply and demand,and concludes that unlimited supply of labor has ended in China,which is clearly reflected in the phenomena of "difficulty in recruiting new workers".The fundamental change in the relationship b......
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Abstract:  By examining the urbanization process underway in China, this paper predicts potential consumption expansion and its sustainability in the next decade and beyond.In years past, China’s urbanization pattern has transformed from semi-inclusive to inclusive, embodied in the better inclusion of migrant workers and their families under ......
 作者:蔡昉出版社:社会科学文献出版社,2006年ISBN:9787802303683内容简介      作者讨论科学发展观与经济增长的认识和方法论起点是,认为公平与效率并不必然是对立的或非此即彼的,公平归根结底是效率的终极目标和保障;此外,作者不是把民生问题剥离于经济增长和社会发展之外,而是置于增长和发展可持续性的地位进行研究。书中,作者通过梳......
1. IntroductionIt is widely observed that the income gap between regions in China has widened with economic reform. More careful examination of income disparity shows that it first narrowed and then widened drastically (see for example Jian et al. 1995). Scholarly studies have tried to examine political, historical, and geographic factors causing i......
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国务院办公厅转发民政部等部门关于建立城市医疗救助制度试点工作意见的通知国办发〔2005〕10号各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府,国务院各部委、各直属机构:   民政部、卫生部、劳动保障部、财政部《关于建立城市医疗救助制度试点工作的意见》已经国务院同意,现转发给你们,请认真贯彻执行。            &n......
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