皖南事变之后国共两党的政治较量 邓 野(18)
金毓黻与南北学风的分合 桑 兵(16)
邓廷桢与广东禁烟问题 吴义雄(19)
由脱序到整合:清末外省财政机构的变动 刘增合(17)
清末四川庙产兴学及由此产生的僧俗纠纷 徐 跃 (16)
《四裔编年表》与晚清中西时间观念的交融 邹振环(9)
王庆云《石渠余纪》所载道光关税辨析 倪玉平 (8)
2007年中国近代史论著目录 近代史研究所图书馆(54)
皖南事变之后国共两党的政治较量 邓野(中国社会科学院近代史研究所研究员)
[内容提要] 皖南事变发生之后,国民党内随即产生四派意见:何应钦主张为叶挺另编一新四军;白崇禧主张取消新四军番号;徐永昌主张政治上与中共全面破裂;王世杰、张治中、贺耀祖等则力主缓和。蒋介石采纳了白崇禧的意见。国共在尖锐对立的同时,又都为避免全面破裂设置了各自的限制,这一设限集中表现为避免新四军牵扯八路军。在势态得到控制之后,最后一个问题即皖南事变政治了结的条件。国共围绕条件的较量集中在二届一次参政会。第三方面以调解国共纠纷为契机,提出了自己独立的条件。蒋介石运用现实利益的杠杆作用,满足了第三方面的条件从而将其吸引过来。结果,中共通过拒绝出席参政会,将皖南事变的政治性质暴露出来,而蒋则通过吸引第三方面使参政会全票否决中共条件,双方互有胜负。两党关系转入“拖”的局面。
[关键词]新四军 国民党 共产党 第三方面 参政会
金毓黻与南北学风的分合 桑 兵(中山大学
[关键词]金毓黻 南派 北派 学风 近代学术
邓廷桢与广东禁烟问题 吴义雄(中山大学
[内容提要] 1836-1839年两广总督邓廷桢在广东的禁烟活动,与鸦片战争前中英关系的演变具有直接联系。邓廷桢在1836年一度拥护许乃济提出的弛禁鸦片贸易的建议,并为此作了积极准备。在清廷决定实施严禁政策后,邓廷桢怀着犹疑、观望的态度执行道光帝的谕令,对伶仃洋鸦片趸船打击不力,但在切断内地鸦片贩子与鸦片趸船联系方面的努力却收到可观的效果,使持续多年的鸦片贸易模式遭受重创。这一结果却使得外国鸦片贩子加速寻求向中国东、北部沿海贩卖鸦片,并导致广州内河鸦片走私活动的复活,鸦片问题在总体上显得更为严峻。受到政治压力的邓廷桢利用因义士贩烟事件,迫使广州外侨总商会和英国驻华商务监督义律与其达成禁止广州内河鸦片走私的协议。但这一协议因清廷决定派遣林则徐赴粤采取更为严厉的禁烟措施而告终结。
[关键词]邓廷桢 道光帝 鸦片问题 禁烟政策 伶仃洋 内河走私
由脱序到整合:清末外省财政机构的变动 刘增合(暨南大学
[关键词]财政机构 清末新政 裁局改制 度支部
清末四川庙产兴学及由此产生的僧俗纠纷 徐跃(四川大学历史文化学院博士研究生)
[关键词]庙产兴学 清末教育改革 近代四川 乡村社会 僧俗关系
《四裔编年表》与晚清中西时间观念的交融 邹振环(复旦大学
[关键词]《四裔编年表》 晚清 年表体 时间观念
王庆云《石渠余纪》所载道光关税辨析 倪玉平(北京师范大学历史文化学院副教授)
[关键词]王庆云 《石渠余纪》 道光关税
2007年中国近代史论著目录 近代史研究所图书馆
Modern Chinese History Studies No.5, 2008
The Political Struggle between the CCP and Guomindang after the
Deng Ye (4)
After the South Anhui Incident, opinion in the Guomindang was divided into four camps: He Yingqin proposed organizing another New Fourth Army for Ye Ting; Bai Chongxi advocated eliminating the New Fourth Army’s designation altogether; Xu Yongchang stood for making a complete political break with the CCP; Wang Shijie, Zhang Zhizhong, He Yaozu and some others strongly urged moderation. Chiang Kai-shek finally adopted Bai Chongxi’s stance. Though keenly opposed each other, both the CCP and Guomindang restrained themselves in order to avoid a complete split. The focus of these restraints was preventing the Eighth Route Army from becoming embroiled with the New Fourth Army. After the situation was brought under control, the last problem was to reach a political settlement of the South Anhui Incident. The struggles between the two parties over the conditions for a settlement were concentrated on the First Session of the Second National Participating Conference. The third parties took advantage of their position mediating between the CCP and Guomindang to propose their own independent conditions. Chiang Kai-shek used concrete benefits as a lever to satisfy the third parties’ conditions and lure them to his side. As a result, the CCP refused to attend the National Participating Conference and exposed the politicized nature of the South Anhui Incident. However, Chiang Kai-shek convinced the third parties to join in a unanimous rejection of the CCP’s conditions at the National Participating Conference. Thus, both the CCP and Guomindang had gains and losses, and relations between the two parties shifted to a “waiting game.”
Jin Yufu and the Division and Merging of the Southern and Northern Styles of Study
Sang Bing (22)
In later mainstream narratives, the differences between the Southern and Northern styles of study in modern Chinese academic circles are vaguely synonymous with new versus old. As this position has been passed on from one scholar to another, it has hardened into a prejudice and a sore point and continues to steer academic trends. But in fact both the South and the North incorporated new and old, and ordinary scholars at the time did not make a sharp distinction between them. In the late 1920s there was considerable exchange between the South and North Factions, particularly when the capital was moved to
Deng Tingzhen and Opium Prohibition in
As governor-general of
From Disorder to Conformity: Changes in Provincial Finance Organizations in the Late Qing Dynasty Liu Zenghe (56)
By cutting down some departments and making structural reforms, provincial finance organizations in the late Qing period underwent an important change from disorder to a relatively unified financial authority. In the early period of the re-organization, they focused on reducing expenditures, and in the late period they attached importance to institutional reforms. In the reign of Emperor Guangxu the adjustments of the financial systems were first driven by the provincial governors, inspectors and local magistrates themselves. Then in the reign of Emperor Xuantong they were spurred by the Ministry of Revenue as well as the imperial edict to “cut down departments and make structural reforms.” Though governor-generals and governors carried out the reforms in accordance with the edict, they tried to hold on to real financial power. The governor-generals and governors merely paid lip service to the Ministry of Revenue, making it hard for the ministry to realize its desire to unify the financial system and strengthen the Financial Commissioner’s real power. Since the structural rectifications were influenced by many institutional and personnel factors, the provincial finance organizations established through reform clearly exhibited a characteristic combination of the old with the new, and could not be completely separated from the old tradition in bureaucratic divisions, staff composition and operational practices. As to the structural reforms, the Qing court and the provincial governments were all restricted by their inertia and limited capabilities, thus leaving behind less than completely positive results.
The practice of using temple estates to set up schools in
The Book of Dates and the Blend of Chinese and Western Ideas about Time in the Late Qing Dynasty Zou Zhenhuan (89)
A Classification of the Daoguang-Era Tariffs Recorded in Wang Qingyun’s Shiqu Yuji Ni Yuping (98)
Catalog of Publications on Modern Chinese History, 2007 (106)