Reconsidering 1911: Lessons of a sudden revolution (点击此处,免费下载 free)
Joseph W. Esherick 1
From constitutional monarchy to republic: The trajectory of Yuan Shikai
Ma Yong 15
Populism during the period of the 1911 Revolution
Zuo Yuhe 33
George Washington’s image in China and its impact on the 1911 Revolution
Xiong Yuezhi 45
A synopsis of the international symposium in commemoration of the one hundredth anniversary of the 1911 Revolution
Yan Changhong and Peng Jian 65
Farewell to the continent complex: A hundred years of Japanese historiography on the 1911 Revolution
Fukamachi Hideo 81
Russian historiography of the Xinhai Revolution
Irina Sotnikova 95